How to Manage Low Blood Pressure (BP) During Pregnancy?

Navigating the myriad changes your body undergoes during pregnancy can be thrilling and challenging. One area of concern for many expectant mothers is maintaining optimal blood pressure. 

While the majority are vigilant about high blood pressure, not everyone knows the challenges and implications of having low BP in pregnancy

Just as hypertension (high blood pressure) poses risks, having low BP in pregnancy can impact both mother and baby equally. 

This blog addresses this often-overlooked concern, offering insights, guidance, and practical solutions to manage and understand the complexities surrounding low BP in pregnancy

Whether you're an expecting mom, a healthcare professional, or someone looking to learn more, this space will equip you with valuable knowledge and tips for a healthier journey.

What Is Considered A Normal Blood Pressure In Pregnancy?

Blood pressure during pregnancy can vary due to a range of factors, including the woman's baseline blood pressure before becoming pregnant, the stage of pregnancy, and individual physiological differences. 

Generally, during pregnancy, the following blood pressure ranges can be witnessed.

1. Early Pregnancy

A pregnant woman's blood pressure may decrease in the first and second trimesters. It's not unusual for blood pressure to drop by 5-10 mmHg compared to her baseline

This is because of the hormonal effects causing blood vessel relaxation and expanding circulation in pregnancy.

2. Late Pregnancy

By the third trimester, a woman's blood pressure often returns to her pre-pregnancy baseline or may rise slightly above it.

A blood pressure reading of less than 120/80 mmHg is typically regular but many women go through low BP in pregnancy. 

However, readings can vary, and what's considered "normal" for one individual may be different for another.

It's also important to note the concern about conditions like gestational hypertension and preeclampsia

If a pregnant woman has a blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher on two occasions, she may be diagnosed with gestational hypertension.

If you or someone you know is pregnant, it's essential to have regular prenatal visits to monitor blood pressure and other vital signs to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby. 

Always consult with a healthcare provider regarding any concerns about blood pressure during pregnancy.

Low Bp In Pregnancy Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

Low BP in pregnancy symptoms can often be subtle, but recognising them early is crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the baby. 

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes, and while a slight drop in blood pressure is not uncommon, it's essential to distinguish between normal fluctuations and potentially concerning signs.

The main low BP in pregnancy symptoms include:

1. Dizziness Or Lightheadedness

This isn't just a fleeting feeling of instability; it's an often pronounced sensation that can challenge standing up from a sitting position or getting out of bed. 

The dizziness or lightheadedness is the reduced blood flow to the brain due to the dilated blood vessels.

In some cases, prolonged standing or sudden shifts in position can accentuate this symptom, making daily tasks challenging.

2. Fainting (syncope)

Syncope is not a mere stumble or quick loss of balance; it's a sudden and complete loss of consciousness due to decreased blood flow to the brain. It can be alarming, especially when it happens unexpectedly. 

Pregnant women experiencing fainting spells should be especially cautious, as such episodes can be risky for the fetus if the mother falls or injures herself.

3. Blurred vision

Blurred vision is more than just a temporary fuzziness. It can be accompanied by the sensation of seeing 'floating spots' or even transient vision loss. 

It indicates reduced blood supply to the eyes or fluctuations in blood pressure affecting the optic nerve. 

Persistent blurry vision can interfere with daily activities like reading, driving, or recognising faces if not addressed.

4. Nausea

While many associate nausea with morning sickness in pregnancy, when tied to low blood pressure, it's a more profound, more persistent feeling of unease in the stomach.

It can be accompanied by lightheadedness and may not always manifest with vomiting. It’s different from the typical morning sickness as it doesn’t follow a pattern and can strike at any time of the day.

Recognising these low BP in pregnancy symptoms is the first step. Consulting with a healthcare provider is paramount if symptoms become pronounced or persistent.

Five Tips To Manage Low BP in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, maintaining optimal blood pressure is pivotal to ensuring both maternal and fetal health. 

While much attention is given to the risks of high blood pressure, low blood pressure or hypotension can also present challenges. 

Experiencing low BP in pregnancy can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and blurred vision, making daily tasks daunting. 

Here are five tips for managing low BP during this crucial phase of life:

1. Stay Hydrated

  • Importance

Dehydration can be a leading cause of low blood pressure. The blood volume must increase during pregnancy to support the mother and the fetus.

  • Action

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, aiming for at least 8-10 glasses. Include fluids like fresh fruit juices or broth, but avoid caffeinated beverages that can cause dehydration.

2. Eat Small, Frequent Meals

  • Importance

When experiencing low BP in pregnancy, what to eat becomes a quest. 

The way and frequency with which you eat can impact your BP. When extended periods pass between meals, it can lead to a significant dip in blood sugar levels. 

This dip affects energy and mood and can also exacerbate low blood pressure, making one feel weak, dizzy, or fatigued. 

Furthermore, these symptoms can add to the typical discomforts of pregnancy, making daily tasks even more challenging.

  • Action 

To counteract these drops in blood pressure and to maintain stable energy, consider breaking your meals into smaller portions. 

Instead of sticking to the conventional three-meal system, aim for five to six balanced meals distributed daily.

Incorporate a mix of foods that sustain energy and improve blood volume. 

  1. salty foods can help retain water and increase blood volume. 
  2. Foods rich in iron, like spinach and lentils, can boost haemoglobin levels, promoting better oxygen transportation. 
  3. Broths, especially bone broths, can be nourishing and hydrating. 

Always consult a nutritionist or healthcare provider to tailor meal plans to your needs.

3. Avoid Sudden Positional Changes

  • Importance

When you move abruptly, your cardiovascular system has less time to adjust and stabilise your blood pressure. 

Rapid shifts, especially from a reclining or seated position to standing, can disrupt the blood flow to your brain momentarily. This can lead to temporary symptoms like dizziness or fainting in more severe cases. 

These symptoms aren't just uncomfortable – they could be potentially dangerous, risking injury to yourself or your baby.

  • Action

Adopt a mindful approach when transitioning between positions. 

If you've been lying down, take a moment to sit up and allow yourself to adjust to that posture. Pause for a few minutes, breathing deeply and ensuring you feel stable. 

Then, when you're ready to stand, rise slowly, using your hands to support you if necessary. 

This approach gives your blood vessels the required time to constrict and adjust, ensuring a steady flow of blood to the brain and reducing the risk of dizziness or fainting. 

If you ever feel light-headed, ensure you have a stable surface or support to hold onto.

4.Take Your Medicines On Time

  • Importance

Adhering to a medication schedule ensures that the therapeutic levels of the drug remain consistent in your system. 

This consistency is crucial for the medicine to work effectively and deliver the desired health outcomes.

Usually, for the best therapeutic results, it's essential to maintain compliance rates at 80% or above.

  • Action

Set alarms or reminders on your phone or clock to take your medicines at the prescribed times. 

Consider using a pill organiser to arrange your medications for the week, making remembering which ones to take each day easier.

If you ever find yourself running low or ultimately out of your essential medications, don't fret. 

Ailaaj offers a convenient and reliable platform for ordering your necessary prescriptions, ensuring your health remains uninterrupted and well-managed.

5. Elevate Your Feet

  • Importance

Elevating your feet not only aids in enhancing venous return to the heart but also helps reduce the buildup of fluids in the lower extremities. 

When your feet are constantly at ground level, particularly after prolonged periods of standing or sitting, it can pool blood and other fluids, which in turn causes swelling and discomfort.

  • Action

When resting or sitting for extended periods, use a footstool or pillows to elevate your feet. This simple action can make a significant difference in maintaining your blood pressure levels.

Lifting your feet for around 20 minutes several times a day can significantly alleviate foot swelling.

Adopting this practice, especially for about 20 minutes several times throughout the day, not only assists in reducing potential foot and ankle swelling but also promotes overall circulatory health.

Ordering Pregnancy Medications Made Easy with Ailaaj's Online Pharmacy

Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and change. 

As expectant mothers navigate through the myriad challenges of this transformative period, it's essential to have easy access to necessary medications and supplements. 

Fortunately, Ailaaj offers a seamless solution for all your pregnancy-related medicinal needs.

Why Choose Ailaaj for Your Pregnancy Medications?

1. Hassle-Free Ordering

Gone are the days when you must make a trip to the pharmacy, stand in queues, or worry about stock availability. 

With Ailaaj, you can effortlessly order your required medications from the comfort of your home.

2. Upload or Order Directly

Have a prescription from your obstetrician or healthcare provider? Simply upload it to our platform. 

Or, if you're already aware of what you need, you can directly browse and order from our website.

3. Thoughtfully Segmented

We understand that sifting through an exhaustive list of medications can be overwhelming. 

That's why we've categorised our offerings into specific sections, such as medications and vitamins and supplements. 

This streamlined approach and medicine filters on the left side of the page ensure you find and order your medicines swiftly, without any confusion.

Pregnancy demands the best care, and at Ailaaj, we strive to offer just that. 

Our online pharmacy simplifies your medicinal shopping experience, ensuring you get everything you need without complications. 

You can also get up to 15% off on medicines with our quick buy feature. 

Trust Ailaaj for a worry-free, healthy pregnancy journey!

Low blood pressurePregnancyWomen health

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