Effective Medications for Folliculitis Treatment

Folliculitis is a common skin condition that involves the inflammation of hair follicles, typically caused by bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. 

It manifests as small red or white bumps around the hair follicles and can occur anywhere on the body where hair is present. 

The condition can be uncomfortable and, in some cases, even painful. 

However, with the right treatment approach, folliculitis can be effectively managed. This article explains the different types of folliculitis, their causes, and the medications commonly used for treatment. Also, the best online pharmacy in Pakistan; Ailaaj.com, where you’ll find the best and most effective folliculitis medication. 

1- What is Folliculitis? 

Folliculitis occurs when the small pockets in the skin, known as hair follicles, become swollen. This can happen due to various reasons like infections, irritations, blockages, or injuries. 

Any part of the body that has hair is susceptible to folliculitis—this includes everywhere except the palms and soles.

Folliculitis is quite common. Almost everyone is likely to experience some form of folliculitis at some point in their lives, but many cases go unnoticed and aren't diagnosed.

The appearance of folliculitis is quite similar to acne. The affected area swells and turns red, resembling a pimple.

It might gather pus and look like a white spot surrounded by redness. In more severe cases, these red spots can fill with pus and develop into boils or carbuncles. Unlike acne, folliculitis is often itchy and uncomfortable. If it worsens, it can even spread over a large area of skin (cellulitis), leave behind scars, or harm the hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss.

Folliculitis is usually categorized based on the underlying cause. It's frequently triggered by bacterial infection, viruses, fungi, and sometimes even parasites like worms or mites.

2- Types of Folliculitis:

Folliculitis can present in various forms, each with its own underlying causes and characteristics:

a. Bacterial Folliculitis: 

Bacterial Folliculitis is the most common type and is caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. It usually appears as small, pus-filled pustules around hair follicles and can develop into larger, more painful boils if left untreated.

b. Pseudomonas Folliculitis: 

Pseudomonas Folliculitis often referred to as "hot tub folliculitis," this type is caused by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria found in contaminated water. It usually appears within a few days of exposure and presents as itchy, red bumps.

c. Fungal Folliculitis: 

Fungal Folliculitis is caused by various types of fungi, such as Candida or Malassezia, this type of folliculitis often appears as pustules with a central hair tuft. It can be more persistent and challenging to treat compared to bacterial folliculitis.

d. Viral Folliculitis: 

Viral infections like herpes simplex and herpes zoster can lead to viral folliculitis. These infections typically cause clusters of painful, fluid-filled blisters around hair follicles.

e. Barber's Itch (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae): 

Barber’s Itch is a specific type of folliculitis that occurs when hair regrows into the skin, causing inflammation. It is common in individuals with curly hair and those who shave frequently.

3. Medications for Folliculitis Treatment:

The choice of medication for folliculitis treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Here are some common medications prescribed by healthcare professionals:

  • Topical Antibiotics: 

For mild cases of bacterial folliculitis, topical antibiotics like mupirocin (Mupir Oint) can be effective. 

They help reduce bacterial growth and inflammation when applied directly to the affected area. 

Applying the cream or ointment two to three times a day can clear the infection within a week or so.

  • Oral Antibiotics: 

More severe cases of bacterial folliculitis or cases that have spread to larger areas of the body may require oral antibiotics as medication for folliculitis such as;

These medications help fight the bacterial infection from within the body. A full course of antibiotics is important to prevent recurrence and antibiotic resistance.

  • Antifungal Creams: 

Fungal folliculitis can be treated with folliculitis medication creams like antifungal creams containing ingredients like;

These creams help eliminate the fungal infection and alleviate symptoms. Regular and consistent application is necessary until the symptoms completely resolve.

  •  Antiviral Medications: 

Viral folliculitis caused by infections like herpes simplex may require antiviral medications such as;

These medications can help suppress viral activity and reduce outbreaks. Early treatment with antiviral drugs during outbreaks can shorten the duration and severity of symptoms.

  • Corticosteroids:

In cases where folliculitis causes significant itching and inflammation, topical corticosteroids may be prescribed to provide relief. 

However, prolonged use of corticosteroids should be avoided due to potential side effects. These should only be used under a doctor's supervision and for a limited duration.

  • Retinoids: 

Topical retinoids like tretinoin can be helpful for certain types of folliculitis, particularly those associated with keratosis pilaris. 

They help unclog hair follicles and reduce inflammation. These medications might cause skin irritation initially, but this usually improves over time.

4. Prevention and Self-Care:

In addition to medication, practicing good hygiene and taking preventive measures can help manage and avoid folliculitis:

  • Keep the skin clean: 

Regularly washing the affected areas with a gentle cleanser can help prevent bacterial growth. Avoid using harsh soaps that can strip the skin of its natural oils.

  • Avoid tight clothing: 

Wearing loose-fitting clothing can reduce friction and irritation on the skin, preventing the development of frictional folliculitis.

  • Use clean razors: 

If shaving, use clean and sharp razors. Avoid shaving too closely to the skin to prevent hair regrowth into the follicles. Shaving in the direction of hair growth can also help prevent irritation.

  • Avoid hot tubs and pools: 

If susceptible to Pseudomonas folliculitis, avoiding contaminated water sources is essential. Showering immediately after using these facilities can also help.

  • Moisturize: 

Keeping the skin moisturized can prevent dryness and reduce the risk of folliculitis. Opt for non-comedogenic moisturizers to avoid clogging the hair follicles.

Get Relief for Folliculitis with Ailaaj: Your Trusted Online Pharmacy and Instant Doctor Service in Pakistan

Dealing with folliculitis? Look no further than Ailaaj, the reliable online pharmacy in Pakistan. 

Now, you can conveniently purchase the necessary medicines for folliculitis treatment from the comfort of your home. 

With Ailaaj, you have access to a wide range of trusted medications that can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing. 

What's more, Ailaaj doesn't stop at just providing medicines – you can also avail of instant online doctor services. Get expert medical advice and prescriptions without the hassle of in-person visits. 

Ailaaj is your one-stop solution for managing folliculitis effectively and with ease.


Folliculitis, though common and often uncomfortable, can be effectively treated with the appropriate medications based on the type and severity of the condition. 

Seeking medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment is crucial to managing folliculitis and preventing complications. 

Additionally, maintaining good hygiene and adopting preventive measures can help reduce the risk of recurrence and promote healthy skin. 

By understanding the types of folliculitis, their causes, and the medications available for treatment, individuals can take proactive steps to alleviate symptoms and maintain skin health.


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